
Spiritual Support

All people have a human right to choose their own expressions of spirituality, practice those beliefs and expressions, and participate in the religious community of their choice or other spiritual activities. Spirituality is the power, energy and/or hopefulness in a person. It is what is deepest in us, what gives us direction and motivation. It is what enables us to survive bad times, to be strong and to overcome difficulties. Spirituality means different things to different people. Spiritual Support provides support for each client to have access to their spiritual needs. Individualized support plans meet the spiritual needs of each person.

Employment Fundamentals

Employment Fundamentals fosters ongoing, self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for personal and professional growth. Employment Fundamentals not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship and identity development, but also promotes employment. Every moment can be a learning opportunity in the lives of the individuals we support at our three locations in Bloomington, Bedford, and Columbus. Stone Belt uses hands-on experiential learning to promote self-determination and independence and to engage individuals in self-exploration.

Supported Living

Stone Belt’s Supported Living Program assists clients living in their own homes or with their families to gain the skills necessary to live independently. Services can be provided from a few hours per week to a full-time, 24 hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week program. Services in the Supported Living Program are funded by the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver (CIH Waiver), or the Family Supports Waiver.

Supervised Group Living

Stone Belt serves up to 68 individuals in the Supervised Group Living program in Monroe and Lawrence counties. Residents are supported 24 hours a day in Stone Belt-owned homes by professional staffing that includes direct support professionals, nurses, social workers and behavior clinicians. Each home houses five to seven people and includes individual bedrooms and a shared general living space. Residents learn daily living skills and develop independent goals to increase quality of life.


Manufacturing Services give individuals an opportunity to work and develop professional skills while sub-contracting to businesses. Our employees are trained in machine operation, materials and small parts handling, sub-assembly, packaging, warehousing, quality control, and industrial hygiene. Our employees are adults with disabilities. They take great pride in their workmanship, the quality of the products they produce and their ability to provide “just-in-time” delivery. This workforce is capable of providing outsourcing opportunities for companies needing to control inventory, increase production, lower production costs, or control distribution.


Employment Services assists individuals with disabilities to choose, obtain, and retain jobs in community settings. Working in partnership with businesses across south-central Indiana since 1986, our program assists individuals with finding jobs and receiving on-site training as needed. We work with over 100 employers and more than 200 clients. Our goal is for individuals to gain meaningful employment in community businesses at competitive wages. Clients are supported in learning the skills they need to experience success and longevity in their chosen careers. The program focuses on inclusion, choice, respect, dignity, and competence.

Project SEARCH

Project SEARCH Indiana is an internship program which provides training and work opportunities leading to permanent employment for young adults with disabilities ages 18 to 24. Participants work at quality, paid and unpaid internship experiences at local businesses. This program is based on a partnership that includes Cook Inc., Ivy Tech, Stone Belt, Indiana Family & Social Services Administration Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, and Indiana University Institute on Disability and Community. Individuals learn specific job skills, workplace social skills, interviewing skills, and other soft skills needed for employment.

Pre-Employment Transition

Pre-ETS helps prepare students for work and the world after high school, including a wide variety of activities designed to help students learn about their options and make informed decisions about their future. Pre-ETS prepares students for the workforce through pre-employment training in career counseling and job exploration; counseling on post-secondary education; workplace readiness training; instruction in self-advocacy; work experiences in community employment settings. This is offered by community rehabilitation providers through funding from Vocational Rehabilitation.

Family Supports

The Family Supports Program offers ongoing services to families and people with disabilities living at home. Stone Belt is looking toward the future and seeing that families of children and adults with disabilities still living at home are going to be more numerous and more in need of services and supports. The funding for people has shifted from residential supports, such as group homes and supported living, to Family Support Waivers that support respite, day services, behavior services, therapies, and other non-residential services.


Milestones Clinical and Health Resources is a certified, outpatient mental health clinic offering a wide range of supports. We provide a unique combination of behavior and therapeutic approaches to address mental health needs and provide personal care for each of our clients. Programs include: Behavior Support Nursing & Wellness Outpatient Skills Development Anxiety & OCD Clinic

Art Studio

The Art Studio offers chances for self-expression, to contribute to the community, develop life skills, and work professionally in the arts. Stone Belt Art Studio includes visual, performing, and culinary arts and strives to provide a diverse offering of experiences through its education programming. Individuals with disabilities have the opportunity to share their talents and promote messages of independence, dignity, and community integration.

Hand in Hand

Stone Belt offers individuals with developmental disabilities professionalized volunteer opportunities through its Hand in Hand program. Clients and staff collect non-perishable food donations from neighborhoods and deliver them to area food banks. Donors place their contributions in special Hand in Hand bags outside their homes. Stone Belt leaves empty bags with reminder cards that list the next date for pick up. This project creates an opportunity for individuals with disabilities to demonstrate their contributions to community building through meaningful volunteer employment.



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Stone Belt Arc is the local chapter of The Arc in Monroe County. The Arc is committed to all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities realizing their goals of living, learning, working and fully participating in the community. The combined strength of local Arcs, The Arc of Indiana and The Arc of the United States makes The Arc the largest national community-based organization advocating for and serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Learn more about The Arc by visiting and

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